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Best Rehab Centres in Malad

Substance Abuse is known to be a complex issue that not only affects the addicts but also affects their families and the entire society. Thus, to help such addicts, we put forward our de-addiction treatment in treating them with love & care. Since the inspection, Umang Foundation is famous as the Best Rehab Centres in Malad for alcoholics and drug-dependent patients of varied kinds, of all ages & both sexes. We offer an only realistic chance of a cure for sufferer addicted to any drug, alcohol, substance or abusive, compulsive behavior.

Our team of the supporter was set up with the only objective to deliver support & advice to addicts, their families & friends. On the other hand, we work with a wide network of the Best Rehab Centres in Malad in order to ensure that our clients go through with the safest detoxification. Owing to our support, care & recovery rate, we have achieved the utmost satisfaction of patients throughout the world.

We are Rehab Centre for:

  • Rehabilitation Centre for Alcohol
  • Rehabilitation Centre for Drug Addiction
  • Rehabilitation Centre for Smoking
  • Rehabilitation Centre for Mental Health

At our Best Rehab Centres in Malad, we have generated an ambiance that helps the patient to develop a positive attitude towards life with the right frame of mind. We basically use 12-Step programme, counseling, group therapies and other specially designed activities like yoga & meditation to recover our addicts. Or in one sentence, we simply define as the most effective place to get well from any type of addiction.

However, if you would like to speak with our team member, please contact us, and we will get in touch with you shortly.